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Coronavirus live news: Europe death toll passes one million; Fauci says US may not ‘need’ AstraZeneca jabs

WHO says world at ‘critical point’ as Europe deaths top one million; protests in Pakistan disrupt hospital oxygen supplies

9.26am BST

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for a halt to the sale of live wild mammals in food markets to prevent the emergence of new diseases.

The WHO said that while traditional markets play a central role in providing food and livelihoods for large populations, banning the sale of live wild mammals could protect the health of market workers and shoppers alike.

9.23am BST

Just a very quick snap from Reuters here that Austrian health minister Rudolf Anschober of the Greens, the junior partner in the country’s conservative-led coalition, said on Tuesday he is stepping down as he is overworked because of the Covid-19 pandemic and his health has suffered.

“I do not want to break myself,” Anschober, 60, said in a short-notice statement to the media, adding that he has recently been suffering from blood-pressure problems and exhaustion.

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