HomeUncategorized(VIDEO) Man arrested in Asian hate crime had killed his mom in...

(VIDEO) Man arrested in Asian hate crime had killed his mom in 2002

Surveillance video shows brutal attack on Asian woman

New York City police have arrested 38-year old Brandon Elliot, an African American man, in what’s said to be a racial hate crime attack on an Asian woman that was captured on surveillance video.

Authorities say Elliot was arrested in 2000 for robbery and then in 2002 for after stabbing his mother to death. He was released from prison in 2019.

Brandon Elliot was released from prison in 2019

Surveillance video shows an Asian woman being attacked, apparently unprovoked, kicked and violently stomped on the head and other parts of her body. Police claim the suspect made anti-Asian remarks such as, “you don’t belong here.”

The victim, said to be a Filipino immigrant, was reportedly hospitalized with a fractured pelvis and head injuries.

In the surveillance video, bystanders who worked at a nearby apartment watch the attack without stepping in. The company that manages the apartment building issued a statement saying two lobby staffers have been suspended pending an investigation off their alleged inaction.

Warning: the CrimeStopper’s surveillance video of the attack is graphic and disturbing.

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