HomeStrategyPoliticsUSA Today Quotes a Consultant to the Chinese Communist Party to 'Debunk'...

USA Today Quotes a Consultant to the Chinese Communist Party to ‘Debunk’ Wuhan Lab Theory.

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An expert promoted by U.S. corporate media to discredit Dr. Robert Redfield’s assertion that COVID-19 “escaped” from a Chinese lab has extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal.

Dr. Ian Lipkin was quoted by outlets including CBS and USA Today as a means by which to “debunk” Dr. Redfield’s explosive claim linking the virus to a Chinese lab.

“We should be moving away from finger-pointing,” Lipkin told CBS after adding there is “no evidence to suggest that it was created in a lab.”

While the corporate media is keen to promote Lipkin’s claims – indistinguishable from the Chinese Communist Party’s COVID-19 narrative – they failed to report his decades of ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

Dr. Lip Service.

In 2016, Lipkin received the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award at a ceremony in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, presided over by Chinese Communist leader Xi Jinping.

The award is “China’s top science honor for foreign scientists, and, as quoted in a Columbia University press release, Lipkin said “It solidifies my relationship with dear friends and colleagues in the Chinese Academy of Science, Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Health, and with the people of China” – all of which are wholly-owned and operated Chinese Communist Party entities.

A 2020 Columbia University press release notes “the government of China honored Ian Lipkin with a medal recognizing his profound impact on their country,” adding that he “has worked closely with scientists and officials in China.”

The medal, issued from several Chinese government bodies including the Central Military Commission, read “Celebrating 70th Anniversary,” and commemorated the anniversary of Chinese Communist Party’s takeover of the country.


A summary of his professional experience reveals he even “consults” for the Chinese Communist Party and has lectured and accepted grants from Chinese state-run scientific bodies:

He continues to consult with the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Science, and the Ministry of Health. He has also served as a consultant for a climate change program at Beijing Normal and as a visiting professor at Beijing University. Last year, the Chinese Academy of Sciences awarded funding for a collaborative project between CII and Sun Yat-Sen University in zoonotic diseases. […] Since 2003, Lipkin has presented more than 20 lectures in China, notably including the inaugurations of the Institut Pasteur de Shanghai in 2004 and the Beijing Center for Infectious Diseases two years later.

“Lipkin’s academic efforts in China focus on mentoring young Chinese scientists and encouraging China-born scientists abroad to return home for positions in diagnostics and discovery at China’s Centers for Disease Control, Institut Pasteur, and Wuhan Institute of Virology. He also serves as a member of the Scientific Steering Committee member of the Joint Center for Global Change Studies at Beijing Normal University,” a summary adds.

Walter Ian Lipkin

Lipkin had also appeared on several studies, including those focusing on H5N1 and hepatovirus, both funded by Chinese Communist Party research grants.

Lipkin has also given several interviews to state-run Chinese news outlets including China Global Television Network, where he insisted “I have so many friends in China, in universities, and in government that I can help people to talk to one another and work together.”

“Renowned epidemiologist Walter Lipkin lauds China’s transparent and professional approach against coronavirus outbreak,” reads a headline from the state-run outlet Global Times.

Fauci & Daszak.

In addition to earning awards, praise, and cash from the Chinese Communist Party, Lipkin has also been praised by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“If scientists are lucky, they’ll identify one novel virus in their whole life. Lipkin really stands out from the crowd,” Fauci remarked in a New York Times article. “The scientific aspects of how it unfolded were excellent, a testament to the fact that Ian Lipkin was heavily involved,” praised Fauci in a separate review of a movie Lipkin consulted for.

Lipkin, bizarrely, while serving the Chinese Communist Party, also serves as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Center for Research in Diagnostics and Discovery. Dr. Fauci is the head of the NIAID, and Lipkin’s department has received multiple rounds of multi-million dollar funding since 2014.

$33M over six years.

“Toward the end of the second cycle of the award, I was asked by Anthony Fauci, Harold Varmus, and Francis Collins to examine the reports of new retroviruses linked to CFS,” Lipkin said in a speech.

Another conflict of interest presents itself between Lipkin and Peter Daszak, a scientist comparably compromised by the Chinese government and World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 investigator. At least 20 studies list Lipkin and Daszak as co-authors,


Lipkin has also worked on National Institutes of Health (NIH) and NIAID-funded research with Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance group.

“This discovery is the result of an extraordinarily productive partnership between the government of Liberia, CII, EcoHealth Alliance, and UC Davis. It builds on years of investment and methods established under the auspices of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in biodefense and emerging infectious diseases,” Lipkin remarked concerning a joint effort to study Ebola.

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