Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg expressed concern about the safety of COVID vaccines last year, based on his belief that they modify people’s DNA and RNA. This, based on a leaked footage provided by conservative watchdog, Project Veritas.
But I do just want to make sure that I share some caution on this [vaccine] because we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA…basically the ability to produce those antibodies and whether that causes other mutations or other risks downstream. So, there’s work on both paths of vaccine development.
Mark Zuckerberg, July 2020
Zuckerberg cautioned the listeners during what Project Veritas says was Facebook’s internal weekly question-and-answer session.
Ironically, experts note that Zuckerberg’s statement would likely be removed from Facebook today as a “false claim,” based on its current policies.
Facebook announced last week that they are “expanding [their] efforts to remove false claims on Facebook and Instagram about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines and vaccines in general during the pandemic.” In this new policy, Facebook specifically stated that any claims that the vaccine changes an individual’s DNA would be removed.
Project Veritas report
Zuckerberg appeared to have changed his mind, or at least his understanding of the vaccine between July 2020 and November 2020, when he appeared with White House adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci during a public live stream:
Just to clear up one point, my understanding is that these vaccines do not modify your DNA or RNA. So that’s just an important point to clarify.
Mark Zuckerberg during public live stream with Dr. Fauci, November 2020
Project Veritas video – Mark Zuckerberg’s conflicting vaccine statements