HomeStrategyPoliticsBiden Had a Hilarious Excuse for Not Watching Trump's Impeachment Trial

Biden Had a Hilarious Excuse for Not Watching Trump’s Impeachment Trial

Believe it or not, the current president “has a job.”

Joe Biden took time to remind people of this when asked whether or not he would watch the Senate impeachment trial of former president Donald Trump.

“I am not,” Biden he said. “I told you before, I have a job.”

Biden’s “job” was also campaigning for U.S. president, and yet he didn’t do a whole lot of that. He gave speeches from his basement, gave rare speeches before half-empty parking lots, and called an early “lid” on the daily schedule for weeks on end.

So, if Biden wants to convince Americans he has a “job,” he might want to repair his reputation of a weak work ethic, whether worn down by nearly five decades in government.

“The Senate has their job and they are about to begin it and I am sure they are going to conduct themselves well. That’s all I am going to have to say about impeachment,” Biden also said.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s excuse for Biden not weighing in on impeachment might be even better. At Tuesday’s press conference, she had a simple reason: “He’s not a pundit.”

On Monday, Psaki said Biden will not spend “much time” if “any time” watching the impeachment hearings. She also gave the line that they keep Joe “pretty busy” with their work for him.


That part would also be more believable if a report didn’t just come out showing that it was former Attorney General William Barr’s office that had been working to “fast track” Biden’s slew of executive orders.

“Work,” in the Biden presidency, appears to mean, “Hand it to Joe, and he’ll sign it.”

NOW READ: Bombshell Report: Barr Betrayed Donald Trump After Disappearing When He Needed Him Most

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