Wisconsin’s Supreme Court today ruled that coronavirus and stay-at-home orders were not legitimate reasons for people to vote without ID under the status of “indefinitely confined.”
In the decision, the court sided with the state Republican Party.
In this year’s presidential election, about 215,000 voters in Wisconsin said they were indefinitely confined, which allows them to vote without proof of identity. Four years ago in the spring election, only 55,000 Wisconsin voters said they were indefinitely confined.
Democrat Joe Biden’s tally in Wisconsin is about 20,000 votes more than Republican Donald Trump’s.
Republicans sued claiming that the status of “indefinitely confined” was abused by some people to avoid voter ID laws.
The court ruled that votes would not count for any voters who falsely claimed the status of indefinitely confined. It’s unclear as to whether that decision has implications for the presidential election or is simply for future reference.
However, President Trump has lodged a similar claim about “indefinitely confined” status in a lawsuit in Wisconsin where arguments were heard Saturday.
No decision in that case had been announced at time of this publication.

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