HomeStrategyPoliticsCoronavirus Australia update: Victoria records Covid-19 death as 20 new cases reported...

Coronavirus Australia update: Victoria records Covid-19 death as 20 new cases reported and Melbourne at risk of second lockdown – live news | Australia news

We were down to one, two, sometimes zero cases of community transmission.

When we have seen who’s been identified as cases in recent days, and where those chains of transmission have occurred, we have clearly reached into those communities.

It’s a complex process. We have always had information in multiple languages. I have been very actively engaged in multicultural engagement.

Obviously with the Chinese community way back in February, March, but ongoing I have met with the Islamic Council of Victoria.

We’re meeting with a whole number of ethnic community representatives and we have always advocated to engage with our intelligence team around where are our cases, what communities do they represent and to use all mechanisms to reach into them.

It is not a simple case of pamphlets and campaign materials and banner to reach into communities.

You do need that community leadership, community champions and all of the modes and methods available to you to try and get messages out. It’s not an easy task.

There are people who use social media from their country of origin or amongst their work of friends as their primary source of information.

A lot of that is information. A lot of it tells them that it’s all rubbish messaging from government. So we have to meet people where they are and we have to get those messages penetrated a much as possible.

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