In response to new information surfacing about malfeasance at the FBI Washington Field Office, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida), a member of the Weaponization of the Federal Government committee, has introduced the “FBI Washington Field Office House Arrest Act.”
The legislation calls for the House of Representatives to halt all spending on the FBI’s new, suburban headquarters outside Washington DC.
In the December 2022 Omnibus Bill under former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s direction, the House voted to allocate $375 million for a new FBI headquarters.
There are still good men and women in the FBI whose task and purpose are to defend our country, but the FBI’s weaponized Washington Field Office is rotten to the core. Through our investigations in the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, we have uncovered extremely disturbing testimony from FBI whistleblowers that the Washington Field Office is targeting Americans who oppose their corrupt political agenda. The cancer at the Washington Field Office has metastasized so large that the entire body is in critical condition. Gifting the FBI a new headquarters larger than the Pentagon would condone, reinforce, and enable their nefarious behavior to levels we have never seen before.”
Rep. Matt Gaetz, (R-Florida)
The FBI Washington Field Office House Arrest Act is being co-sponsored by Reps. Andy Biggs (R-Arizona), Dan Bishop (R-NC), Paul Gosar (R-Arizona), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia), and Harriet Hageman (R-Wyoming).
Full text of Rep. Gaetz’s legislation can be found here and below.
Expressing the sense of Congress that the proposed purchase of a new, suburban headquarters for the Federal Bureau of Investigation outside of the District of Columbia, should be quashed.
Mr. GAETZ submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the
Committee on lllllllllllllll
Expressing the sense of Congress that the proposed purchase of a new, suburban headquarters for the Federal Bureau of Investigation outside of the District of Columbia, should be quashed.
Whereas the Federal Bureau of Investigation is under inves- tigation pursuant to Congress’ oversight authority;
Whereas the Washington Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been weaponized against the Amer- ican people, deviating from its core law enforcement mis- sion, and has begun targeting Americans in a politicized manner;
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Whereas the Washington Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has attempted to pressure other field of- fices for no good law enforcement reason, but to advance a political agenda;
Whereas the Washington Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has suppressed credible investigative leads into criminal conduct and, over objection of Bureau field offices, initiated investigations into American citi- zens for exercising their First Amendment rights;
Whereas the Washington Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has attempted to entrap Members of the Senate by holding false classified briefings;
Whereas the Washington Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has colluded with private sector compa- nies during elections to censor factual information harm- ful to preferred political candidates;
Whereas the Washington Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has targeted parents critical of school board decisions;
Whereas constructing a new headquarters for the Federal Bureau of Investigation at this time would distract from critical oversight of this dangerous politicization;
Whereas it is entirely inappropriate for a domestic law en- forcement agency that employs 2.3 percent of the man- power of the United States military to receive a head- quarters larger than the Pentagon;
Whereas building a new headquarters would condone, rein- force, and enable the Washington Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s nefarious behavior; and
Whereas there is credible evidence before Congress to support all of the foregoing: Now, therefore, be it
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This resolution may be cited as the ‘‘FBI Washington Field Office House Arrest Act’’.
No money should be appropriated for the General Services Administration or the Federal Bureau of Inves- tigation to either plan to, or acquire property for, a new, consolidated headquarters outside the District of Colum- bia.
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