HomeUncategorized(POLL) Public is split on ‘Climate Change’ and causes

(POLL) Public is split on ‘Climate Change’ and causes

Half (50%) of people surveyed say the climate is “warming due to man’s activities,” while 45% of those polled say the climate is “always changing, it’s normal.”

That’s according to the unscientific poll of 3,010 people at SharylAttkisson.com.

Climate change, also referred to as global warming, has become a very controversial political issue within the last few decades. Many scientists say it’s a proven fact; while many scientists take the other side and say it is not.

The Republican Party, by and large, does not see a strong link between human activity and climate change; whereas, the majority of the Democratic Party claims there is. Several years ago, Rep. Alexandrio Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) famously pronounced the world was coming to an end in a little more than a decade if the course weren’t reversed.

In the 1970s, the scientific trend was to claim global cooling– that a new “Ice Age” was impending and the planet faced an imminent freeze.

The Green New Deal was the plan supported by Democrats to spend billions more tax dollars to tackle climate change and wean the US off of fossil fuels. It also intends to curb allegedly planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions, ultimately obtaining a “net-zero” level of emissions by 2050.

The resolution was sponsored by Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) during the 116th United States Congress. It passed in the House, though it failed to advance in the Senate. However, many of the provisions were slipped into the Inflation Reduction Act, which did pass. After it passed, the Biden Administration and others hailed it as the biggest climate change bill ever enacted.

At the same time, many European nations are backing off similar green targets and goals amid the current green energy disaster. They are facing unaffordable energy prices, shortages, rationing, and other issues due to a green energy transition that’s gone south. They are also reopening coal plants and/or extending the dates of their intended closings.

Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at SharylAttkisson.com. Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.

Poll Question: The climate ___________.

45% Is always changing – Normal.

50% Is warming due to man

1% Is warming, not due to man

<1% Is cooling

3% Nobody knows

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