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(FORUM) Government and Big Tech are among biggest purveyors of misinformation on Covid

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If you’re not fully vaccinated against Covid-19 in the U.S., you’re in the majority.

According to CDC, slightly less than half of people in the U.S. are fully vaccinated. Experts say just about everyone who wants to get vaccinated has now had the opportunity to do so.

As the chief marketer of vaccines, CDC is joining with vaccine companies in trying to vastly expand the vaccinated footprint. However, CDC is not being forthright with complete, accurate information that allows Americans to understand their individual risk of both Covid and the vaccines.

For example, CDC repeatedly falsified information regarding effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines in people who have already had coronavirus. Studies showed no benefit to those people, but CDC claimed otherwise and is still pushing the vaccines, which have risks of side effects, on the people who have already had Covid.

According to scientists, those who had Covid-19 have longer lasting proven immunity, so far, than those who have gotten vaccinated.

Another big lapse in disclosure is when it comes to children. Scientists agree children are at a statistically zero risk of getting seriously ill from coronavirus, let alone dying. CDC recently publicly acknowledged what other scientists had said all along: the risk of children dying from flu is greater than the risk of dying from Covid-19.

Most often, children who naturally fight off Covid-19 don’t even know they did so because they have few or no symptoms, according to virologists. And multiple studies have found that, contrary to widespread claims, children are not typically passing along the virus. Yet research shows both the vaccines and masking have negative potential health effects in kids.

Masking children and/or vaccinating them destines them to a regiment of having to get more vaccines and expose themselves to more potential risk, as the vaccines “wear off” and/or prove less effective against variants (that natural immunity protects against).

A third major issue is the drumbeat of alarm public health officials are generating over “case count” without pointing out that the more people who “get” Covid-19 and recover– which is nearly everyone– the more people who have immunity without needing to expose themselves to the potential side effects of the experimental vaccines.

In other words: in places that have upticks or “surges” in case count, there’s ultimately less need for vaccination; not more. Yet CDC treats it as if only the opposite is true without acknowledging the upside.

Lastly, CDC has fallen short of its responsibility in promoting the vaccines without disclosing side effects.

The U.S. is one of the only country that allowed drugs to be advertised on TV and in the media. The law states that those ads must come with disclosures of side effects.

However, there’s a loophole that allows vaccine makers and their government promoters to avoid disclosing side effects in ads: if they don’t mention a particular brand name, the ad can be considered “educational” and exempt from side effect disclosures.

Even so, a responsible public health agency would require and make side effect disclosures considering the fact that the vaccines are experimental and have already been linked to numerous, serious side effects, including dangerous heart inflammation in young people.

Big Tech has aided and abetted the inaccurate and incomplete information by criticizing and banning some of those who accurately point out there’s more to the equation.

People have a right to get vaccinated; and a right to take a pass. In making an informed decision that is best for the individual, better, accurate information should be provided by our health officials and government agencies.

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