HomeUncategorizedNBC: Man who attacked police at Capitol, killing one, referenced Nation of...

NBC: Man who attacked police at Capitol, killing one, referenced Nation of Islam on Facebook

Deceased suspect Noah Green
Photo from: Facebook

Police identify the man who ran down with a car and killed a Capitol Police officer as Noah Green, a 25-year old man who reportedly referenced followings of a radical Muslim group, the Nation of Islam, on his Facebook page. That’s according to NBC News.

It is not known whether there was a racial motive in the attack by the suspect, who is black, against officer Billy Evans, who is white; or if anti-police sentiment was a motive.

Capitol Police officer Billy Evans was killed in the line of duty

A second police officer was injured in the attack on Friday.

Police say law enforcement officials shot Green after he hit the officers in his car, crashed his car into a barricade, jumped out with a knife, and lunged at them. Green later died of his injuries.

According to Britannica, Nation of Islam is “known for its teachings combining elements of traditional Islam with Black nationalist ideas.”

Nation of Islam has been classified as a “designated hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center due to what the SPLC calls “the deeply racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBT rhetoric of its leaders.”

NBC News

The U.S. Capitol area has been under intense fortification, with some Democrats claiming the Capitol and members of Congress have been under imminent threat of attack by white supremacists and/or Trump supporting “insurrectionists.”

That after the disputed 2020 presidential election and a January rally for then-President Trump that turned riotous.

However, to date, Friday’s fatal attack on police is the only post-riot happening that has caused a major security incident at the U.S. Capitol.

Police have arrested more than 300 people, including Trump supporters and at least one Black Lives Matter activist, who were said to be involved in the Capitol rioting after the January rally.

Last August, the Black Lives Matter activist, John Sullivan, made racist comments at a demonstration in Washington D.C. and urged protesters to engage in a violent coup against President Trump.

We f_ckin’ ’bout to burn this shit down…We gotta f_ckin’ rip Trump outta that office right there, f_ckin’ pull him out that shit! Naw naw we ain’t about f_ckin’ waitin’ ’til that next election, we ’bout to go get that mother f_cker [inaudible] f_ck that shit ’cause you know what time it is? Repeat after me: It’s time for revolution!

John Sullivan, August 2020

During the January rioting, an official or officer, whom authorities have not publicly identified, shot and killed an unarmed white woman, Ashli Babbitt, as she attempted to climb through a broken window. Authorities have kept many details of that incident and investigation hidden.

Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed while trying to climb through an interior door at the U.S. Capitol with a group protesting alleged election fraud

According to a report in The New York Times about the riots, “138 officers — 73 from the Capitol Police and 65 from the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington — were injured, the departments have said. They ranged from bruises and lacerations to more serious damage such as concussions, rib fractures, burns and even a mild heart attack.”

A Capitol Police officer named Brian Sicknick died after the riots. Initial media reports claimed he’d been murdered by somebody who had hit him on the head with a fire extinguisher during the chaos.

Later, those reports appeared to have been untrue. Officials have kept details of Sicknick’s death close to the vest and his autopsy hasn’t been released.

More recently, they alleged that a bear repellant chemical that rioters sprayed on some officers later resulted in Sicknick’s death. Two men have been charged. Authorities say “bear mace” was also used by Antifa activists during last summer’s rioting.

Read more at NBC News:


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