HomeUncategorized(READ) New short statement about Durham issued by Donald Trump

(READ) New short statement about Durham issued by Donald Trump

The brazen, thumb in your eye posture of the deep state is at hand. They brag of the cabal of powerful elites guiding the election, they propose appallingly self-serving legislation without a hint of shame and there is no way Durham will see the light of day; DOJ will decline to prosecute.
They are emboldened because they have the guaranteed support of media and social media to applaud and apply the spin, such that even if 8o% of the nation is appalled the amplified support of the busy and well placed 20% will drape it all with approval giving the impression of being in majority.
We have a marionette president and they don’t care if we notice. Next election they will push an actual dead guy to victory and the media will convince the herd it is just fine.

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