HomeUncategorizedFulton County, Georgia, election board votes to fire elections director

Fulton County, Georgia, election board votes to fire elections director

Sharyl and Full Measure Team,

You’ve Correctly Reported :

“President Trump’s legal team made allegations of voter fraud against the county after surveillance footage at the State Farm Arena showed election officials pulling four plastic bins from underneath desks during the official ballot counting for the 2020 election cycle after dismissing Republican observers. The group was told a water pipe break was interrupting the vote county, but an investigation later found there was no such break or interference.”

That paragraph – suggesting ELECTION Anomalies – might be a clue to another Full Measure program title, and purpose :

“Unaddressed Anomalies—Full Measure!”

America’s history of Shadow Elites’ false flags
is so rich in material, it would take decades of
weekly programs to address – even partly! – that
history—beginning with Marxian Lincoln’s war
against the Founders’ and Framers’ legacy of
CONSTITUTIONAL government, not of what I
term, “RULE-by-WHIM” (( of bad men who are
driven to seize power and control!, as seen in
2021, as this Peaceful-Transfer-of-Theft-of-
Power RUSE by Bumbling Biden & Team
represents : Rule-by-Whim of BAD men and
women who think Mao and Pol Pot were real
cool dudes ! )).

Lincoln and his Forty-Eighter
handlers had stolen the election
for him; and his journalist-hating
secret police are still applying
their evil influences to this day
(( gleaned from reading out-
of-print books about him/it )).

By the way, asking you again, what has happened to the transcripts of
Abraham and Mary’s many occult-medium sessions—before and during
Abraham’s war against states’ CONSTITUTIONAL self-determination
(( not slavery-caused, but POWER and CONTROL of the ECONOMY ! )),
getting his guidance from S P I R I T S ? !

Find and study this book,
for the BEST record of
that OCCULTIST intrusion,
on what this scribbler has
termed, “Lincoln’s Folly” :

“One Night in Washington—
The True Story of America’s
Most Haunted President”


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