HomeUncategorizedPOLL: Over 90% say Trump actually won or Biden won by fraud

POLL: Over 90% say Trump actually won or Biden won by fraud

Over four thousand people who responded to the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com say they believe former President Donald Trump “actually won” or that President Biden “won due to fraud.”

Forty percent (40%) of those who answered our latest poll say that Trump actually won.

Another 52% say that Biden won the election due to fraud.

Two percent (2%) of the respondents say Biden won “fair and square”.

Four percent (4%) say Biden won due to maneuvers but not fraud.

Read the full results below. Meantime, be sure and vote in our latest poll at SharylAttkisson.com on the home page. Look for the black box in the right sidebar or scroll way down on the mobile site!

Based on what I know now, I think:

2% Biden won fair and square

40% Trump actually won

4% Biden won due to maneuvers but not fraud

52% Biden won due to fraud

2% I don’t know

Thank you to the thousands who are supporting the landmark case of Attkisson v. DOJ and FBI for the government computer intrusions.

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